Am I ruining my child by raising them as an expat in Switzerland? (and understanding what monkeys have got to do with this!)
If I showed you two pictures of monkeys, you’d likely say they look identical. But did you know that babies, in their first year, can...

Your child’s critical window for language learning might be closing soon...
(What the Wild Child, Victor of Aveyron, can teach us about language acquisition) Did you know there’s only a limited time frame —a...

Do you have problems with map-reading? (And what that’s got to do with raising kids)
Imagine I invited you for a sight-seeing adventure around Zurich ! Your starting point would be the main train station at Bahnhofplatz,...

Are we dumbing down our children?
Did you know that right now your child is a genius? But what about in 5 years time? In the 1960s NASA posed the question: " how do we...

STOP your own negative self-talk (and you will raise a more successful child)
Are you unconsciously teaching this to your child? "I’ll never succeed." "I’m so silly—I never get anything right." "Why can’t I be as...

How much time have you got left with your child?
DID YOU KNOW: 75% of the time you'll ever get to spend with your kids is over by the time they turn 12 . 90% of your time with them is...

The Absorbent Mind of a child shapes who they become (THIS might explain your superpowers;)
I sometimes find myself asking my friends and colleagues if, when they go about their day, they too hear songs being replayed in their...

What is your parenting style? Are you more like the Wind or the Sun?
Once upon a time, the Wind and the Sun made a bet. They spotted a traveler bundled in his jacket and decided to see who could get him...

STOP raising kids that are "all-rounders". Instead, help them find their edge.
What if instead of aiming to raise “ all-rounders, ” we helped our children find their unique strengths and develop their potential ? I...

Are you an expat family, raising your kids in Switzerland? Wondering if it is a good idea...?
"Hang on a minute, didn’t you say you were Polish?" - I often hear from people whom I meet for the first time and who happen to pick up...

Why Measuring Your Child Against Common Milestones Is a Bad Idea
As parents, it’s our privilege and responsibility to nurture our children’s potential , to keep their passion for life burning bright ,...

How to set your child up for a successful day (this is how you limit morning tantrums)
How would you feel if your morning started like this: Your children wake up bright and early , full of energy and demands . You’re...

People without Children have NO IDEA! (but you and I do;) The whole truth of life before kids and life after kids!
Tell me if this sounds familiar: You’re doing school/Kita/playgroup/ camp drop off. You’ve got to be at a specific place, at a specific...

A re-introduction of Mags and the Academicus Story
Hi! Hello! G’day! It has been a while and I am not sure we have met yet? ....and I am beyond grateful to see so many new faces in our...

The #1 Most Effective Tool for Managing Tantrums (That Actually Works!)
Tantrums are a child’s way of communicating their lack of control over a situation. Have you ever found yourself jabbing at the "close"...
What is the most terrifying thing you have ever done (besides parenting!)?
Becoming a parent is a bit like sky-diving.... " Do you do any deep breathing? It will help with controlling your freak-out response when...

Can AI raise a child? Modern day parenting struggles vs AI
I recently read something quite controversial , about a company appointing a CEO called Mika. That in itself isn’t the controversy.......

AVOID these at ALL COST!
Have you ever really thought about why you move? Every step we take, every turn we make is guided by our minds . Now think about this:...

Before labeling your child a problem, ask yourself: are they struggling to fit in—or just waiting to be seen for who they truly are?
Gillian was only eight years old, but her future was already at risk. Her schoolwork was a disaster, at least as far as her teachers were...

The perils of teaching your child the "wrong" way of expressing themselves.
As parents, one of the greatest gifts we can give our children is emotional awareness —helping them understand their feelings and how...

How much time have you got left with your child?
I am a full time work-at-home-mum. This means: I am a full time mum during the day to my 2 kids (21months & 4yrs). I am also a full time...

Overwhelmed with your child's "bad behaviour"? Introducing Special Time - The Ultimate Parenting Strategy to Fill your Child’s Emotional Cup and Foster Cooperation.
You know that feeling when you walk through the door after a hectic day, and your to-do list seems to be yelling at you louder than ever?...

Best Sun Creams for Babies and Young Children in Switzerland
"What sun protection do you recommend for babies and young children?" - is a frequent question we get asked during our summer-term...

What does it feel like to be a Bilingual Expat Child?
Have you ever wondered what your kids are going through as ex-patriot-children? Join me as I share with you what it was like to grow up...