What do children do to make us smile?

Isn't it incredible? One moment they are the cheekiest creatures on the face of the planet, the next they are making you laugh and smile. Children have superpowers. Thanks to these superpowers it is almost impossible to stay angry at a youngster :) Their inquisitive eyes, smiley toothless faces, their innocence, sense of wonder, hand motions to "the isty bitsy spider"...the list goes on! We adults are wired to love, protect and teach our little monsters - the tiny little humans, who actually teach us anew the meaning of happiness and being in the moment! It's the smiley moments that we will look back upon and cherish forever. Today is a special day: World Smile Day, where we consider the happiness in our lives and share it with others. Kids do this spontaneously and naturally. Let's be like kids today :) Do an act of kindness. Help one person smile. Share a smile with someone or a hundred someones. But now I am curious: what is it that your child does that makes you smile? :) Smile on!